- a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
- a self-righteous person; a hypocrite.
There are days when I wonder. Days when I'm attacked all day long by "supposed" believers, the brethren.
I'm pleased to announce this has not been my situation lately, because Facebook just implemented a new algarythm that has my entire page looking different, friends missing, posts repeating, ads, ads, ads.
They are keyboard warriors.
They just have to tell you all about yourself and how God couldn't possibly love you because they don't agree with your freedom. It's not your doctrine or theology they have a problem with it's the freedom afforded through the relationship you have with Jesus.
They hate you.
They persecute you.
They say the craziest thing you've ever heard to you and about you.
They jump to conclusions, make presumptions and assumptions, they even twist up what you said, because they don't have a clue how to understand it.
They beat the hell out of you with scripture and claim their rights to correction.
They copy and paste scripture until the cows come home, half of it off topic, the other half chosen to make their point, never mind they don't understand it, it just sounds good in the moment.
They have to be right and you're going to hell because they don't agree with you and the god they serve is a task master, a hit man, he's going to punish you and torture you for all of eternity because of their dislike for you.
Their lack of love turns my stomach.
I used to get frustrated with them, pound the heck out of my keyboard responding to them, want to go through the computer and choke the life out of them (let's keep it real), want to take the bible they are quoting from and knock them unconscious with it. I used to want to scream, "Are you freaking kidding me?", "Have you met Jesus?", "Do you believe the lies you are telling?", "What gives you the right to judge me, is God on vacation?" LOL.
Just so you know I'm always going to keep it real and there are times when you don't have any icing for the cake.
No matter what you say to them, you are wrong, you are judged, you are condemned and your sentence is eternal torment.
They throw around statements about how you are going to be judged, how you will give account for every word, without ever taking into account what they've said or the fact they've attacked a child of the most high God.
They are more special than you, they know God better than you, you are wrong and you can just go to hell.
These things should not be so.
These people are supposed to be our brothers and sisters.
Guess what? They aren't.
Guess what else? They wouldn't know love if it walked up to them and slapped them in the face!!!
It's so crazy!
No one wins!!!!!!!!!!
God has already judged us and His judgement was mercy and grace.
These people are not our brethren.
I'm growing, persecution rocks my world!
They hated Him first.
I'm not special. It's His life in me. He and I are one.
It's funny.
Paul says to count it all joy right?
I'm a light shining in a world of darkness, not because of me, but because of Jesus.
They begin to ask you questions, religious nonsense, so they can pick you apart when you give them an answer, so they can crush you like a cigarette under their boots.
I never even tell these people what I do, for three reasons.
1. It's none of their business.
2. It's not me but Jesus working in me
3. They are just going to continue to attack me and call me self righteous, when their own self righteousness has them so blinded they couldn't see Jesus if He were walking down the same street they are standing on.
There's nothing to prove to them or anyone else.
I am who I am.
No need to apologize for it because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am loved.
I am cherished.
I am a child of the most high God and He loves me!
Be encouraged when you encounter them, they are going to cause you to grow, they are going to force you to show grace, they are going to make utter fools of themselves attacking you and everything you believe in because they really don't know Him.
Don't ever get me wrong, I love my bible(s), I'm an avid reader of the bible, I love every single story there, I find Jesus on every single page. I have completely given up reading any other book and I bet you I have over a thousand books. I definitely don't want to read someone's book about Jesus and how to have a relationship with Him, because I have a bible and He and I have been running together since the foundation of the world.
These people tell you to read your bible when they don't even have a clue how to understand it and it is only a weapon for them to beat other people down.
The bible is an idol to some of them, because they can't see Jesus anywhere and how dare God make His love unconditional and inclusive!!!! Who does He think He is?!!!!!!!!
I've walked away from some of these conversations beat down, feeling defeated, pissed off without having blown up, or resorted to the same small name calling and throwing of accusations. In other words I walked away victorious because I used to be a real smart ass bitch and I'm quick witted. Our first response is fight or flight and I've always been a fighter. Not gonna do it!!!
The church has done such a good job of screwing up the gospel with mixed messages and half truths.
How dare you tell a truth about the gospel! Who do you think you are?
Last time I checked Jesus asked us if we knew who we were and then reminded us we are gods.
Whatever you do! Don't tell them, unless you are prepared for the backlash of ignorance and vial filthier than curse words!
Had a guy, a "christian" spoiling for a fight, tell me not to waste my data.
It was absolutely the funniest thing I heard all day long.
No, I did not tell him how he lives in a third world country and how I'm amazed they even have electricity there, I simply let him know I have a computer and a laptop and unlimited data.
Ignorance and hatred are poison people and I have little tolerance for ignorance (suffering fools) but zero tolerance for hatred.
I'm not better than anyone, I don't know so much, because I learn something new every day and I belong to a think tank that makes me feel dumb already. They are so smart! They know so much more than I do! I don't even post or reply there most of the time because I'm drinking up the knowledge that is being freely given.
There's no condemnation in Christ.
Nothing can separate us from His love.
If you don't know anything else, just stick with those two scriptures and statements.
Most importantly know who you are!
Don't let the opinions of others affect you or your relationship!
At the end of the day it's just you and Jesus!
At the end of the day it's His love relentlessly chasing you down into the deepest and darkest corners of your life!
At the end of the day it's He loves you and who gives a shit who doesn't like it!
I roll my eyes, I shake my head, I laugh like a crazy person, but I also feel sorry for them.
I am heart broken over their lack of empathy and love.
I am sad they don't really know Him.
He's amazing!
I don't need a book to tell me how much He loves me, because I walk with Him and I talk with Him and He tells me I am His own.
My relationship is so much more important than my reading time.
My relationship is so much more important than anything else in the universe!
He loves me!
I am His beloved and He is mine!
He loves you too and don't you ever let anyone tell you different!
Love wins!
Jesus loves you!
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