Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You see what had happened was

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A friend gave me a great suggestion and analogy.  He explained sharing in the groups I belong to and how that could give me an audience of over thirty thousand people being reached at any given time.  There's more than a billion users of Facebook!  I also have twitter, tumblr and instagram.
I know there are hearts of generosity in the world, who want to be inspired, to chase something with passion.  I want to reach those people!  I want to reach way beyond my inner circle, to tell the world about Jesus, how good He's been to me.
I want everything He has for me.
I want it all and to do it all.
It's His power and strength, His glory.
I took his wonderful advice and shared a post in every "christian" group I belong to.
Someone in one of those groups reported me and I can't post to groups until some time this coming Saturday afternoon.
Who does that?
I'm sharing good news and encouragement.
You know they had to tell a lie.
Man oh man.
Second day of posting to groups and someone reports me and gets me in trouble with the administrators?
It's alright.
Bless their heart.
Yes I mean that in the most southern of ways.
My page is already all jacked up with their new algorithm, doesn't even look like the same page, who knows who sees?
We never know who is watching right?
I'm trying to give people good news!  Some of them don't know they are loved!
No one can shut me down!
I've got a calling on my life!
I've got a purpose!
I'm a willing vessel!
My God is greater!
I'm taking it to the streets anyway, have been for a while.  It's a neat tool and everything, but I know how to put boots on the ground and do what really matters.  The good news still goes out.
I'm not going to back bite or say mean things, because it isn't necessary.  My heart is broken over the state of the church.  Brothers and sisters pitted against one another, arguing over scripture, theology, doctrine, who is right, who is wrong, man oh man.  Wake up people!
We all belong to the same family and it's just as disfunctional as the families we come from in the earth!  We're all children of the most high God.  He is madly in love with us!
I for one know how to love people I don't agree with and people no one else wants to love.  I'm pretty sure that's how Jesus rolled and that's how I'm going to keep on rolling.
It's all God.  He doesn't need the internet to send me on His missions.  He doesn't need me preaching to people who already know Him.  He doesn't need me relying on anyone but Him.
That's exactly what I'm going to do too.
I'm going to keep trusting Him, keep chasing after Him, keep praising Him and telling everyone I meet how amazing and awesome He is.  Sharing His love with them.  Looking like Jesus everywhere I go.
If God be for me, who can be against me?
No not one single one!
I am a child of the most high God!
A precious and cherished daughter!
His beautiful warrior!
I've been broken time and time again.
I'm still standing!
Bring it!
I love Him, He loves me, I love you, even though you have forgotten who you are and Whose you are.
I love a lot of hard to love people.
It's not hard, because I am loved so very much.

Let's love the dumb out of the church and choose being kind over being right

Like I've said before, I am friends with several academics.
The  definition of academic is 1.of and or relating to education and scholarship.  2. not of practical relevance, of only theoretical interest
Academics are people who are so smart their brains just don't work like everyone else's.
My friend Randy, the man who helped me get out of the streets, is an academic.  He used to be the computer professor at Georgia Tech, his ex wife works for the CDC, their children are immensely intelligent.
He's written me a composition about how the tribe of Israel committed genocide and it was so complicated I had to have a dictionary to look up words to understand what the heck he was talking about.  Yet, I had to walk him through Facebook on the phone, because it was so simple he couldn't figure it out.
Yesterday I watched a video by one of these such people and he was talking about discrepancies in the bible.  The mention of scripture in one place mentioning it being said in another and it appearing no where in said scripture.  One priest's name used when it was actually another priest who held the office as the time those things happened.
These people absolutely amaze me, teach me something new every single day and reveal to me a knowledge of scripture I never had before.  Stuff so deep yet so simple I can't understand why it all hasn't made sense before now.
These friends of mine put up the most stunning thoughts about God, things that really make you step back and challenge every single thing you've ever been taught, because believe me when I tell you it's been taught completely wrong to a lot of people, for a very long time.
Good Lord!
I thought God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit were three separate entities until I was grown, because no one took the time to explain this, they were too busy preaching hell fire and brimstone!
When my friend Lucy explained it to me and helped me to see Him better, my mind was blown!
No one ever taught me that!
No one ever told me Jesus loved me and nothing could separate me from His love.  I was raised in the bad God, good Jesus generation of wrongly taught people.  Turn or burn!  "They're all headed to hell......", "God loves you but......", "Your best is as filthy rags."  
Then came the stupid stuff.
Do you know where you're going if you die tonight?
Did you lead them in the sinner's prayer?
If you'll take one step He'll take two.
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
How could a people hand picked by God from the foundation of the world be so dumb and ignorant?
If you'll sew a seed, you'll reap a harvest.
Give and it shall be given to you, pressed down and running over.
Lies told for so long and so loudly, generations of men carrying the same lies and dumb church sayings?
Why take something so beautiful and twist it up to control others?
Why lead people to slaughter with judgement and condemnation.
When I was a kid, going to church, growing up in the church, I always felt terrible, wondered if I would ever be good enough to make it, without ever knowing I had believed a lie.
I was a wretch, a filthy sinner, how could God possibly love someone like me?
Jesus sets you free!
Oh but wait, you must be saved.
You must repent of your sins and pick up your cross.
You must die to self daily.
Nero burned christians in his garden as torches.
The christians are the ones carrying the torches now.
No matter how many religions there are, what people think about God, their god, or other people's gods.  There are really only two divisions and isn't it sad there is division in the body?
Those who believe God unto salvation, that its a free gift, it can't be earned and nothing can separate us from His love.  His love is unconditional, it doesn't change with our behavior, whether it be good or bad.
Then there are those who don't believe us.
They are a vehement as hungry snakes.
They attack every new idea they could possibly have with the lies they've been taught since they first heard about Jesus.
They attack those they don't agree with.
You couldn't possibly know Jesus, you need to repent.
All of a sudden this person is making assumptions, throwing out accusations, beating you over the head with scripture and telling you all about yourself from somewhere else in the world, on the other side of a keyboard.  A christian, a brother or sister.  Someone who doesn't know you from Adam!
Damning you to hell because they don't like your ideology .
This madness takes them over and they go nuts with it.  They take it to the extreme.  They begin to twist what you said and making assumptions about it and you.  They have to have the last word about how horrible you are and God couldn't possibly love you.
It's so dumb.
It used to make me mad, still does frustrate me sometimes, but in the end it makes me sad they are so blind and lost and miserable they have to come along and beat up on me for a while.  If they were drowning and I was there to save them, they wouldn't take my hand and just drown, they are that determined to disagree.
I don't block people like I used to, but lately I'm having to put repeat offenders on the list and they won't be coming back off it.  This one guy in particular kept coming after me, again and again and again.
Most of these rooms are think tanks.  The statements being made are for great thought and insight, not controversy.  The people in these rooms are expected to be of a certain intelligence and open mindedness.
God's people have been hard headed and hard hearted from the start, I don't know why it still surprises me today.
We've all been slighted or assaulted by one of these God fearing bible thumping people and half the time even they don't know what they are talking about.
It's a comedy of errors.
I've encountered more of these people in that last year than ever before, mean nasty hateful people who claim they love God.
Cause I can't tell buddy.
God's really been dealing with me about them and giving me lots of practice being persecuted by them.
I'm getting much better at it.
There are times during the courses of these conversations when I simply say things like "Jesus is amazing!" something contrary to what I really want to say.  
Jesus is the game changer.
His love saves the world.
Jesus loves you.
Lots of times these simple beautiful statements shut them down.
Then there are those who just have to have the last word.
They aren't going to stop no matter what.
Other times I keep moving and say nothing at all.
You can't tell a fool anything.
I know because I used to be one.
There are days when I am so discouraged and frustrated I want to scream and I'm sure my eyes have awesome muscles from rolling them so much.
Those are the times I have to remind myself Jesus loves them too, even in their stupidity.
Love wins.
Love doesn't attack others, or have to be right.
Love doesn't tell someone all about themself and condemn.
Show them love.
I know they're dumb as a truck load of bricks, but they can't help it, they've been wrongly taught.
They don't have the freedom of heart and mind to understand the mysteries yet.
They've been chained to a mixed message of half truths and rules their entire lives.  They don't know any better.
I know for a fact I've embraced many lies in my life.
When the truth about Jesus' love for me was revealed, no one would ever be able to lie to me again, and expect me to believe them.
I know who I am.  People are always going to talk, some of what they say is true.
At the end of the day, none of this matters, it's Jesus and me.  It's my Daddy, the creator of the universe loving on me, having a relationship with me and all the bibles in the world couldn't even begin to describe what that's like!  That's an experience for me and me alone, being with Him.
I love to learn but how much of it is really necessary?
I love Him.
He's so much more than anyone could ever even find the words for.
He created the universe!  Let's get for real on this one!
Be patient with others, you don't know what their struggles are.
Walk away from disagreements, because no one wins.
Pray for those who curse you.
Love your enemies.
These people aren't supposed to be our enemies, they are supposed to be our brothers and sisters.
Loving people and being a gold digger I know there's some good in there, I just can't see it past their fear.  Fear has two responses either fight or flight, these folks are looking to fight.
They've been beaten down with lies and half truths for so long, they believe all of it and you're crazy if you don't.  They've probably been hurt, a lot.  Hurt people hurt people right?  We always kill that which we don't understand.  There is good in there, Jesus loves them.
It's hard to see that when they are beating and kicking me down, but I can take it, I'm a tough cookie.
When ever you are given the choice to be right or be kind, always choose being kind it's going to get you so much further with absolutely everyone.
Billy Graham just passed and he was what they say he was, but I can't sit through an entire sermon of his without cringing half a million times because it's so evident he believed the lies that were handed down by preacher after preacher.  I can't receive any of the things he's talking about because he was seeing through a lens of distortion.
Do I think he loved Jesus?
Of course I think he loved Jesus.
Do I think his message was one God wanted going out into the nations?
You'll have to ask the Big Guy about that one, it was between them.
One thing is for sure, I've got a better message and so do all the people I'm running with.
I don't care what anyone tells you, nothing can separate you from His love.
At the end of the day it's just you and Him.
You and God and nothing else matters.
His love is not affected by your behavior, He's not a love me or else kind of God.
Rather than arguing begin to pray for these people every time you encounter them.  Begin to bless them to know the truth.
Leave them and let God sort them out.
They are His masterpiece just like you.
Let's love the dumb out of the church.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Say So!!!!!

Your pain can be your prison or your platform. I've been made alive for eternity, I am a warrior of God and no situation under all of heaven is going to take me out! I've got freedom! FREEDOM! The unmerited favor of God! My identity is not in my situations. I am the righteousness of God. I'm an equipped saint for the sake of the ministry! For such a time as this! I say so!!! Selah

Monday, February 26, 2018

Lots of Superheros in the world today

Image may contain: one or more people, selfie and closeup

This is James Davis.  We met him in the streets, Sunday to Sunday taking out food for our people.
His wife died two years ago and I get the feeling she was the glue that held his life together and he's been habitually homeless ever since.
He came to Alabama because he knew some people here and its so much warmer.
Yesterday, the first place we stopped, James was there working traffic, something I've never seen him doing, because he's usually at the other end of the block.
His daughter died of lukemia on Saturday, she was 24 years old.
He and I had been talking about how to get him back to Brooklyn for the last three weeks, me checking train prices, trying to lock down bus ticket prices and checking air fare, knowing we couldn't afford to fly him back.
It broke my heart as he stood on the side of the road with us (Amanda Castrogiavanni) saying to me, "Mama it hurts so much."  We stood there and cried with him.
Through willing and loving hearts we received bus ticket money and spending money, so he can eat on the twenty hour ride back to his home.
I'm nobody special y'all, God put these people in my path, they are the ones who are special.
He is the first person we had the privilege of taking around to get his identification straightened out so he could get a license and apply for his social security benefits.  We also got to sit down and have lunch with him that day.
He's a precious human being, kind and open.
We are going to be at that bus station way before 7 a.m. to love on him, to encourage him, to pray for him and to seal the future.  He is one of us, we love him and he loves us.  Same story, different details.
Funny how a heart can be shattered and broken time and time again and still not kill the person it presides in.
I love James.
Jesus loves James.
James loves me and my children, asks about my son every time he sees me.
He is enough.
He is of great value.
He's going to go to New York and tell his folks how good these white folks who always bring food and something to drink and whatever else they can get their hands on, who helped him get his ID back, took him to lunch, had some friends who made sure he would get to go home, who gave away from themselves to make sure he got there.
He's going to be giving glory to God, because he knows we do it because we love Jesus.  He knows we truly love him.
Ever hear someone say, "My faith in humanity is restored."?
It's not humanity, it's HIM.  Jesus is the beauty of it all.
Superheros do every day ordinary things for those who are in need, pass out love to the misfits because they were once misfits, still are.  Wild ones.  Heretics even.  Renegades of grace.
Hope dealers!
Humanity has forgotten who it is and who it belongs to.
I am a precious and cherished daughter of the King of Kings, The Most High God.  I'm His warrior, His broken and willing vessel, pray-er, bless-er, prophesy-er, evangelize-er, love letter, LOVE LETTER!  HA! YES!
I'm like no other before me, because He made me perfectly to be who I am in this moment in time, a gust of wind, the winds of change they are a blowin'.  I'll draw that long breath and run with the wind, making Him famous everywhere I go.
That made me smile in the most peaceful way.
Send me Lord!  I'll go!
I want it all!
I ain't playin!!!!!
Then came the tears, through that beautiful refreshing smile.
Lord we know you are going to take care of James, good good Father that You are.  We love him because you love us, because we love you, because we love him and he loves us.  Ha!
Love wins!
Your love rocks!
Bless our friend James, our brother, a man that we love, all the days of his life because You gave us an encounter with one another.  Jesus being kind to Jesus.
He gives strength to the weary and power to the weak
He was and is a RENEGADE!

Who Cares If They Don't Show Up!

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Ever get the feeling you are the only one standing in the stadium?
Ever feel like you are the only one who cares?
Over the last year I've grown a great deal and an area in my life God has been working on is other people.
If you want to do something just do it.  Invite others to go, the real ones will show and life keeps moving.
I have this over reaching mind that has the most tremendous dreams and expectancy.  I see countless faces in these fantasies.  I believe everything can turn big.
I just keep going, keep doing, keep being.
At the end of the day its just Jesus and me anyway.
Is it disappointing?  Well of course it is!  We all want people to come along, we were created for community, not isolation.
I've got the courage to just keep going, with or without anyone else.  It's always Jesus and me anyway.
Who cares if they don't show up?
They are the ones missing out.
You still get to do exactly what you were called to.
Don't stop inviting them, because some day they may surprise you and don't be discouraged, you've got enough to do it on your own.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mourn with those who mourn

It's totally amazing how your heart can be ripped out time and time again and it never stops loving, it never stops searching for love and those to love.
I thought about this today, after standing on the side of the road with James, one of my people.  His daughter died yesterday and he was hurting so much.  He was crying, telling me, "It hurts so much mama."
We've been talking about a bus ticket for him for the last three weeks, he wants to go back to New York, we were pricing and seeing what was available and now this.  The bible says to mourn those who mourn, so I stood there with Amanda, both of us crying, trying to comfort him any way I could.  He smelled like liquor, his heart was so heavy and I'm sure he hasn't eaten.
I'm only acquainted with them, even though my heart is deeply in love with them.  I know bits and pieces of one or another's story, but this guy, we've spent time with, we know him better than the rest, for one small act of help.  We helped him get his ID, we took him to lunch, we treated him like family.  We treat everyone like family, so you can imagine how broken our hearts are for him tonight.
No parent expects to ever lose a child.
I wouldn't even dare to imagine the hurt in his heart.
He's someone we've had the privilege of getting to know him, to be more than just a Sunday visit with some food.
I'm trusting and believing God for the $200 I need to get him on a bus home, to bury his child, to get off the streets of Montgomery and back to his family.  His wife died two years ago and I totally get the feeling she was his glue, everything that kept him together.
Please remember him tonight.  Love your people hard.  Don't take anything for granted.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Tomorrow is the big day!
The day I wait for all week long.
The day my heart is wrapped around.
Woot woot!
I can hardly wait!
Gonna get loud!
Get my praise on!
After that, more good stuff.
Pick up the food, back to the house.
Get it ready and go see our folks!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Remember the prisoners

If you ever want to find out who your true friends are, all you have to do is go to jail.
Prison did not agree with me and I'm sure there are many more who will tell you the same, the only thing I learned in prison was to never ever do anything to end up there again.
How good a friend are we really to our people?
How committed are we to the people in our lives?
Out of sight out of mind right?  Who has been forgotten?Who has been hurt by those they love most?  All of us.My daddy was a convict and I have always loved to write, so I wrote him letters from a very young age.  I was committed to writing him letters, because he was my daddy and he was in jail.There have been others along the way, a pen pal, an ex boyfriend, a husband, a young lady I love very much, a brother and now an old friend.It's easy you just tell them stories about your life.  You feed life into their situation with encouraging words and hope.You remind them they are still loved, they have not been forgotten, they are valuable.It's so important to me for him to know someone out here is thinking of him.  Prison is a lonely place, it's not designed to be fun, this man has been in prison for 15 years, his sentence is 5 more.He's been in his prison all those years, while I was in my own.  His son will be grown by the time he gets out.  The world is a totally different place than it was when he came off the streets.Yeah someone needs to let that man know someone out here still loves him and is pulling for him and thinking of him.I remember how my life fell apart while I was in prison, how I lost control of everything i didn't have control of.  I remember feeling forgotten and unloved.Hebrews 13:3

Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.

Boots On The Ground

boots on the ground
phrase of boot
  1. 1.
    ground troops who are on active service in a military operation.
    "they could have gone to their allies and got more boots on the ground"

I've decided to head up the Lover's Lane.  Katie Jo makes lovely signs and We're going to put a little muscle into them by using cardboard and paint sticks.  They are going to read things like "Jesus loves you",  "Nothing can separate us from His love", "You're awesome!"  "Glad I got to see you", "God's not mad at you", positive messages of love.
I'm praying my people and their people and their people and their church and other people everywhere will make these signs, these love letters.  My time window is going to be two to three, because that's when I want to do it. First stop Prattville, downtown at the fountain.
I need hearts to show up!
I need people to understand love wins, no other message saves us.
He did it for love.
Calling all lovers!  You are invited to the Lover's Lane!
Get yourself some poster board and magic markers and write your love letter to the world!  
Love love love, all ya need is love.
Starting the first Saturday in March and every other Saturday thereafter, from two to three I'll be in the streets of Alabama carrying my love letters around for the whole world to see.  
You're invited!  
Where ever you are, do it, invite others to do it with you.  Talk to everyone you know about doing it!  I'm sure there are many who would love to jump on board and do it.  It's going to be fun and it's easy!
I'm even going to make extra signs, so there are plenty to go around. 
Gonna be great to see you and countless others there!!  Gonna be a power hour for the kingdom.  

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Happy Place

I've spent most of my life homeless, sleeping on other people's couches, having to live with others and then there were the streets.
When I came to this apartment, I brought my dogs, their cages, a box of clothes, my jewelry and pictures.  The kids gave me a bed and blankets before the end of the first day and the rest of it really is a fairy tale of God's love and learning to care for me.
I've talked about all of it before, my paintings hanging on the walls, changed some out today too.  Precious gifts from my friends, mermaids, butterflies, crosses, pictures and candle sticks.
It's my happy place.
Sparky's Dream House because my stuff is better than Barbie's.
This place is the first place that's really mine, that I can make my mark on.  I'm so thankful for it.
Everywhere I look I see beauty, reflections of who I am, things I like and things that fill my heart with happiness.  Blessings from God.
There has been a parade of furniture, household items, clothing, the list goes on and on.  It's a modern day miracle, this life God has given me.  Everywhere I look my heart is happy.  There's still much to be done, adjusting to others living with me, trying to give them real space of their own.
I'm back to my bedroom, studying, writing, gonna paint some, watch some tv and play the ps3.
What's your happy place?
When you come home from work and walk into your house, does your heart soar in your chest?
Have you claimed your space in the world?
I'm so thankful to have a place to live, a place all my own, the happy place.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

She Was Sleeping On The Sidewalk

Image result for homeless woman sleeping on sidewalk

We're leaving the Varsity, going to get on the highway and I see this woman sleeping on the sidewalk, right next to the street, traffic everywhere.
I saw lots of people in the street today, my people, people who didn't even know my heart recognized them.  A lady with her jeans tied with a boot lace, that wild look in her eye.  A man who could barely walk carrying a couple of bags, I saw sitting on a bench as we drove back through.
A guy sitting on an overpass wall, intently writing something in a book.
People sleeping against the walls, people's stuff, shopping carts, a bag lady with her dog who had lovely dreds.
I saw them.  I saw each and every one of them.  They were not unnoticed today, not one single one of them.
I searched for them as I drove along, knowing they were there.
It was overwhelming.
It's easy to be a big fish in a little pond, but what about making an impact in the ocean without growing any bigger?
I put them in my memory, make sure the burn is deep, so I never ever forget them.  I carry them with me in my love for them.
Everywhere I go I see homeless people.
My heart is so broken that I can't help them all but I guarantee you I will love those He's given to me enough for all of them.
I will love them for the rest of my life.
And I'm crying...................................................................................

Lover's Lane

I get some of my best ideas in the shower, when I'm standing there totally vulnerable, dripping wet, no way to use a pen or paper.  I laugh at God about this all the time.  There I am, standing in the shower and all of a sudden He begins talking to me and the ideas begin to grow and expand and explode and I have nothing more to rely on than my messed up memory, to remember what's being said, until I can get it written down somewhere.
He is totally amused by this.
He's recently given me another idea, it's been bubbling up inside me, growing and stretching and preparing to birth.
Then there's the question, "What if?"
I am the eternal optimist.  Every plan I make I intend on it going viral and changing the lives of others.
I am that girl.
Let's do this, let's go over here, yeah that would be cool, we could do that and that would be so exciting.
It started out a one Saturday a month thing, then it evolved into every other Saturday, starting with the first Saturday of next month.
I'm spreading the word, I'm asking others to spread the word, I'm asking people to take two hours a month out of their lives to do something for the kingdom.
I'm asking people to do something simple yet effective.
I'm asking people to give up time out of their precious little busy lives to show up for others.
This is something God is dealing with me about.
People not showing up.
I want it all, I'm chasing everything I can get to and if I talk about doing something you can just about guarantee I'm going to do it.
I see it all the time, chairs empty when the preacher is elsewhere, invite a hundred and fifty people and nine respond.  Advertise a car show for six months, five cars show up.  I can look back over events I've planned and organized and there are those precious few souls who showed up, when no one else did.
People always say they want to do something, over the years I have begun to hear, "I want to do something but that would require me doing something and I've got something more important to do."
Here's the plan.
We flip the script on them.
We make all these wonderful signs that say things like "Jesus loves you", "The world is a better place because you are in it", "You're awesome,", "God's not mad at you", "Nothing can separate us from His love." and we march, one hour, every other Saturday, to share this good news.
We do this every other Saturday from now on until others begin to notice and want to copy us.
It's such an easy thing.
It just takes showing up.
God started showing me pictures of what this looks like, churches everywhere joining in, people on the streets with lover's lane signs all the time, all over the country.
My heart skips a beat just thinking about it!
He showed me how this one thing, so easy and simple to do, could bridge the gaps between churches and begin to bring us all into the same place of agreement and action.
I want viral, I want action, I want God's people to stand together and represent the best parts of the kingdom and this walk we are all on.
I want people to show up!
I want to see movement in the kingdom!
This could go viral.
I flat out laughed at Him when He said the word viral to me, because He's asking me to motivate people, something I attempt to do all the time and if my excitement isn't enough to catch you on fire, you truly have issues, because man oh man am I excited!
He's telling the one person who runs alone quite a bit of the time, to motivate people.
Yeah okay.
Then again, we never know who is watching.
I met a girl in Atlanta, at my friend's house who follows my videos every day.  She's not on my friend's list and she came to meet me on my birthday, because she's been following me for a while.
How cool is that?
God is growing my influence.
I want it all!
I want to do and see things I haven't even imagined yet!
I want to leave a mark on the world, a big one!!!!!!!!
Just do it!!!!!!
So here's the plan.  Gonna get some of my folks together, spend an afternoon think tanking, being in one another's company and writing love letters on poster board.  We're also going to make these signs with posts and cardboard because we don't want the wind being able to come along and destroy them.  We're going to take those signs to the streets and we are going to walk with those signs for one hour, every other Saturday.
We're going to encourage God's people to do this with us.
We're going to invite unity into the body with this one small thing.
Two hours a month for God.
Two hours!
It's a no excuses mission, either show up or don't, no need to chat about it.  We still love you.
So, just so you know I'm gonna be out there, with my love letter, smiling and waving at people, because God is good and it's time the rest of the world knew about it.
I declare it a movement.
God says He'll grow it if I'll only show up.
Anybody can do it anywhere and we don't mind copy cats in the kingdom.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

God had a different plan, the Salvation Army

I love how things always work out.  I love how God lets me think one thing and then has me do something totally different.
I don't really like going to the Salvation Army all that much, because no one wants to talk to me, it's like a consumer mill.  Everyone comes out to get what we have and goes right back in.
Not so today.
We had thirty something plates and only gave away six or seven plates at all our regular stops.  "We're going to the Salvation Army," I said and off we went.
The reason we were supposed to go there today, is because there are several people living under the bridge near there and are not allowed to go inside.
They were so hungry!
Gave a girl a couple of blankets, met this young man named Grover with the best attitude ever.  He told me if I ever wanted to make a bunch of money to get him on a stage.  This after hearing I can do and be anything, because God loves me just the way I am and He loves the things I'm after.
We were supposed to go there for them.
There are churches that go there, talk to all of them, they are probably pretty turned off to God's people.
One little girl just wouldn't even let anyone be nice to her.  Poor thing.  I could have talked to her, but the spirit didn't lead me to.  There were a lot of people who caught us exiting certain places.
We branched out today, praise God.  I thank you for those people Father.  I thank you for this walk.
We want them all but we'll take the ones we can find.

Renegade of Grace Ministries invite the misfits

Tonight I'm driving home and God starts talking to me about Renegade of Grace Ministries and what the foundational scripture should be.
The message is to invite the misfits.
Luke 14 12-14

Then he turned to the host. “The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be—and experience—a blessing. They won’t be able to return the favor, but the favor will be returned—oh, how it will be returned!—at the resurrection of God’s people.”
What a beautiful message to the world!  Come and join us, you are loved, you are valuable, here have a seat, let me give you something to eat,something to drink because I love you.
All these new and radical ideas are coming to me, things my heart would go crazy to do.
I don't have to please anyone but my Father, it's between the two of us.  He's birthing something new in me, something so amazing, so exciting I'm almost beyond words to describe it.
This thing is about to grow, to evolve, to accelerate and explode!
I believe it!
I receive it!
My Daddy owns everything and nothing is impossible for Him.
I'm taking notes, kicking around ideas, seeing pictures and putting together the next step in my journey, for me it's a jump, not the first one, won't be the last.
Renegades of Grace Ministries, invite the misfits.
Glory to God!

Today has finally arrived and I'm so excited I've been up since two something.
Today is the day Jesus walks the streets of Montgomery.
Today is the day my main Ride or Die's that can make it will come and be a part of something bigger than them.
Today is the day I see all those faces I love, my people.
I'm sitting here with soaking music on, bursting at the seams with ideas and dreams and expectancy.
God is doing a huge work in my heart and in my life and things are accelerating, growing, becoming so much more right in front of me.
The streets are not for everyone, but God just won't let me leave them.
When I look back at that life, how we made it, what our camp looked like, all the cats and dogs, it wasn't all turmoil and hell, it was life.  We happened to live in a tent in the woods, underneath a magnificent magnolia tree..  It was a place to call our own, to lay down and sleep, to be alone together.
No one bothered us because we had dogs, they were afraid to come in the woods and I heard all kinds of talk about snakes and never saw a single one.
Thank God I wasn't alone, my son was with me.  Thank God I didn't have to struggle day after day to get money for a room..  He kept us.
As I sit here listening to the rain, it doesn't matter, I'm still going out.
They are still going to be there, waiting for us, hungry.
I don't know how all of them ended up there, but feel sure I will before the journey is over.  I have bits and pieces of some of their stories, some I'm still learning names, but they are my people.
They are there, for whatever reason, people the same as you and me, they just have different needs.
One by one people are catching on fire and catching others on fire and this is just the beginning.
I remember being so hungry I thought I was going to die.  The people who did come to the boulevard only came once or twice a year, always asking me if I knew where I was going if I died that night, so I totally avoided them, knew what they had, didn't want any of it.
There are more men here than where I come from and you don't see the girls like you used to, but that's because they get taken care of, people rent them rooms, buy them food, buy them clothes, give them money for those types of things.  I don't know where they are, but I've been going for well over a year now and the women are few and far between.  We might see one or two, more if we go to the Salvation Army, they just aren't as visible as the men.  They don't walk the boulevard anymore, not that I've seen and some of them are actually trying to stay out from down there.
Where I come from there are lots of women, tired, hungry, beat down, strung out on dope, looking for the next car that comes along.
It's something to be thankful for, not seeing them.  I don't mean out of sight out of mind, I mean it just doesn't seem to be a thriving business here any longer.
I remember when I first started all those years ago, one girl, I would chase down to give food, had a pimp who was scary and never parked very far away.  She didn't even want to take the food half the time.  They used to walk up and down the boulevard, out in the open, all day and night.
They've closed down most of the hotels, tore down plenty more, the boulevard is slowly dying, building by building, block by block.  There's a  plot on the corner of Mobile Highway and the Boulevard that would make a perfect spot to build a shelter.
I have a picture of a motel type setting, horseshoe style, private rooms, unless people are willing to share the space for the night.  After the shake down there's no in and out, just a safe warm or cool place to spend the night and get clean.
Plan on putting in a laundromat, pool room, public showers, clothing closet, kitchen, and chapel.
These are dreams I'm having, don't have the first clue as to how to see them come true, I just keep dreaming them and letting God put the pictures there.
He's showing me so many things right now.  He's planting more dreams and ideas in me than I've ever had in my life.
He is as passionate about them as I am, as my people are.
We are the misfits, the ones willing to do something, the ones with lots of healed places in our lives and more still to be made whole.  We are exactly the people we are inviting to the feast.
Pretty soon we'll be having services, maybe once a month, lots of praise and worship music with a short message.  Would love to rock the boulevard that way, take all my people with me.
The church is without borders, the gospel is good news and I'm amazed at this life He gives me, this one thing I get to do that's so much a part of me.  The bible says "and greater things than these ye shall do."  I can hardly wait to see what that looks like.
It doesn't make me special, it makes them special to me, each and every single one, the workers and the people in the streets, the homeless, my people, God's people.
I may never see it all come to pass but there'll be someone who may reap the benefits of my dreams either way, who will inherit these things of God He's given to me.
I'm going to keep dreaming, keep hoping, keep going and keep screaming, "Send me God, I'll go!"
Today is the day Jesus walks the streets of Montgomery Alabama, February 4th 2018!
It's going to be glorious, rain or shine.

The Sound When We Come Running

We come running
We come running
We come running
We come running
Under a pale blue sky
You never felt so cold
Another sleepless night
How could you ever let go
How do you recognize
The dirty face of gold
Behind that crooked line
Where you never knew you'd go
Headed for the open door
Tell me what you're waiting for
Look across the great divide
Soon they're gonna hear
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
Never go where we belong
Echoes in the dead of dawn
Soon they're gonna know
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
When the worlds gone quiet
I see you dancing slow
Feeling satisfied
Where you never knew you'd go
Headed for the open door
Tell me what you're waiting for
Look across the great divide
Soon they're gonna hear
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
Never go where we belong
Echoes in the dead of dawn
Soon they're gonna know
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
Days go by
Feeling broke and tired
Always remember
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
Headed for the open door
Tell me what you're waiting for
Look across the great divide
Soon they're gonna hear
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
Never go where we belong
Echoes in the dead of dawn
Soon they're gonna know
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running
The sound, the sound, the sound
When we come running

A dream is coming together.  Man oh man I love this song!  Can you see God's people, all together, united in once cause, running toward their goals?  Just stop and clear your mind for a second, set aside all the stuff you're all twisted up in and breathe.  
Now, think about all the people you love, the people you run with, the people you do life with, the people you go to church with, the people you have every day because of modern technology.  Now imagine all of them standing ready to run, how quiet it is, the air filled with anticipation, everyone waiting for that moment of release.
Off they go!
The sound of their shoes hitting the pavement!
Can you see it?
Beautiful smiling faces running for their lives!  They're running to dreams, they are running to destiny, they are running to Jesus!
God is talking about my ministry now, His ministry, this thing we do together.  
I'm a different flavor, so you know whatever I do is not going to be the way anyone else has ever done it before.  You know it's going to have my own spin on it, my own 
I'm not worried what others will think, this is between the Lord and me.  
The gospel is supposed to make us attractive to the rest of the world.
I have the freedom and encouragement to do it the way I see it.
There's going to be hip hop (of course), all the classics, songs Jesus could have written buried in every day music, there's going to be excitement!  I see it!  Lots and lots of excitement about our Daddy's love.
He's given me a song to run with, this one, so fitting for the dreams I have.
He's given me a scripture to run with, invite the misfits, Luke 14 12-14.

Luke 14:12-14 The Message (MSG)

12-14 Then he turned to the host. “The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be—and experience—a blessing. They won’t be able to return the favor, but the favor will be returned—oh, how it will be returned!—at the resurrection of God’s people.”

Don't Get Stuck!

Don't get stuck! Life happens to each one of us, we experience joy and heartbreak. We learn things, usually the hard way, and i...