Monday, February 26, 2018

Lots of Superheros in the world today

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This is James Davis.  We met him in the streets, Sunday to Sunday taking out food for our people.
His wife died two years ago and I get the feeling she was the glue that held his life together and he's been habitually homeless ever since.
He came to Alabama because he knew some people here and its so much warmer.
Yesterday, the first place we stopped, James was there working traffic, something I've never seen him doing, because he's usually at the other end of the block.
His daughter died of lukemia on Saturday, she was 24 years old.
He and I had been talking about how to get him back to Brooklyn for the last three weeks, me checking train prices, trying to lock down bus ticket prices and checking air fare, knowing we couldn't afford to fly him back.
It broke my heart as he stood on the side of the road with us (Amanda Castrogiavanni) saying to me, "Mama it hurts so much."  We stood there and cried with him.
Through willing and loving hearts we received bus ticket money and spending money, so he can eat on the twenty hour ride back to his home.
I'm nobody special y'all, God put these people in my path, they are the ones who are special.
He is the first person we had the privilege of taking around to get his identification straightened out so he could get a license and apply for his social security benefits.  We also got to sit down and have lunch with him that day.
He's a precious human being, kind and open.
We are going to be at that bus station way before 7 a.m. to love on him, to encourage him, to pray for him and to seal the future.  He is one of us, we love him and he loves us.  Same story, different details.
Funny how a heart can be shattered and broken time and time again and still not kill the person it presides in.
I love James.
Jesus loves James.
James loves me and my children, asks about my son every time he sees me.
He is enough.
He is of great value.
He's going to go to New York and tell his folks how good these white folks who always bring food and something to drink and whatever else they can get their hands on, who helped him get his ID back, took him to lunch, had some friends who made sure he would get to go home, who gave away from themselves to make sure he got there.
He's going to be giving glory to God, because he knows we do it because we love Jesus.  He knows we truly love him.
Ever hear someone say, "My faith in humanity is restored."?
It's not humanity, it's HIM.  Jesus is the beauty of it all.
Superheros do every day ordinary things for those who are in need, pass out love to the misfits because they were once misfits, still are.  Wild ones.  Heretics even.  Renegades of grace.
Hope dealers!
Humanity has forgotten who it is and who it belongs to.
I am a precious and cherished daughter of the King of Kings, The Most High God.  I'm His warrior, His broken and willing vessel, pray-er, bless-er, prophesy-er, evangelize-er, love letter, LOVE LETTER!  HA! YES!
I'm like no other before me, because He made me perfectly to be who I am in this moment in time, a gust of wind, the winds of change they are a blowin'.  I'll draw that long breath and run with the wind, making Him famous everywhere I go.
That made me smile in the most peaceful way.
Send me Lord!  I'll go!
I want it all!
I ain't playin!!!!!
Then came the tears, through that beautiful refreshing smile.
Lord we know you are going to take care of James, good good Father that You are.  We love him because you love us, because we love you, because we love him and he loves us.  Ha!
Love wins!
Your love rocks!
Bless our friend James, our brother, a man that we love, all the days of his life because You gave us an encounter with one another.  Jesus being kind to Jesus.
He gives strength to the weary and power to the weak
He was and is a RENEGADE!

1 comment:

Don't Get Stuck!

Don't get stuck! Life happens to each one of us, we experience joy and heartbreak. We learn things, usually the hard way, and i...