Today is the day!
This afternoon we're taking it to the streets with beautiful love letters written on poster board.
Signs that say things like "Jesus loves you,", "God's not mad at you,", you know! Beautiful words of love for those driving by to see.
It's one hour every other Saturday.
It's going to be amazing and anyone can do it anywhere they live!
What if? All the people I've been talking to, all over the country, did the same thing?
What if? So many of us did it in so many different places the news would start getting a hold of it!
What if? We all showed up!
What if? God made the entire thing go viral!
That would be so awesome!
Too many times you see folks with signs that have no good news. Signs yelling warnings and telling you you're going to hell if you don't repent.
Who came up with this nonsense?
Who decided the people should be controlled with fearl
What knucklehead rejected the good news to lead people in another direction.
I've seen these signs.
They are horrible, they are an assault to the senses and they lack love in the most extreme ways.
Think about it! Give a choice, which would you choose? Turn or burn? Or Jesus loves you?
I'll take the good news! Jesus loves me!
All you have to do is google "christians with signs" and there you have it! It's like a b-rated horror flick of folks claiming to love God but the signs they are sharing with others lack love, kindness and grace.
The gospel is supposed to be attractive, we are supposed to make it attractive with our love.
Evangelist have turned off generations of would be followers with these horrible signs. Signs spewing condemnation and judgement.
I love the one at gay pride, the guy standing there dressed like Jesus with a sign that reads, "I'm not with these guys." All around him are these statements of pure hatred, from folks who are supposed to be God's people.
I want to turn the tides on street preaching and so many that have come before us actually turning people away rather than catching them.
Jesus said to follow Him and He would make us fishers of men.
Some people's bait smells bad and should have never been dropped into the water.
You can't scare the hell out of people, you have to love the hell out of them. Perfect love casts out all fear.
If you would like to participate you can do it anywhere! You can make your own signs, full of love and hope, of course, pick somewhere to go stand with them and wave and smile at all the traffic going by.
It's easy.
I plan all sorts of things, try pulling huge numbers of people together, believe that every plan I have has the ability to grow to fill stadiums. That's the eternal hope God has planted in me, expectancy that something wonderful is about to happen, that anything could happen and for sure something is going to happen.
I told my people I'm not scared to stand out there and do it by myself.
Let's be love today.
Let's save lives today.
Let's look like Jesus everywhere we go!
Two o'clock! Meet me at the fountain in Prattville!
If you're doing it, please take pictures and share them with me, that would be totally awesome.
I love you all so much!
Today is going to be a great day.
Lover's lane!
It was a great day...